Help with Loan Repayments

If you are worried about your loan repayments, please contact via email or phone (details below).

If you are worried about your loan repayments, please contact us on
 0330 053 6067
 Email us

We understand circumstances can change and that times are tough at the moment so if you do find yourself in financial difficulty, it is important that you contact us as soon as possible, so that we can work with you to seek a solution.

Please don’t wait to miss a payment before you talk to us - just talking to us about your options won’t affect your credit score.

What will happen when you get in touch

We understand that money worries can be difficult to discuss, which is why our staff are specifically trained to listen to and talk with you about your individual circumstances and tailor solutions that work for you.

To help you prepare we’ve outlined the types of things we’ll talk about during the call:

  •  Discuss your situation so we can understand any issues you’re experiencing
  •  Ask you about your income and outgoings and any debts* you may have
  •  Explore potential solutions to your situation for example, we’ll see if we can make changes to your loan, such as moving your payment date
  •  Provide independent contacts if you would like more financial advice or support

We may also ask you to send up to date information about your tenants and property costs to us.

*Please note we are unable to provide you with advice about debts you may have with other organisations.


To get started and discuss what support may be available

Contact our office on either 01462 419 743 or 01462 419 776 We are available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Alternatively, email us at and one of our team will contact you.


Other help available

In addition to the support the Bank may be able to provide, there are not-for-profit advice bodies who provide free and impartial debt advice that may be able to help you.

Free, independent financial advice is available from:
Citizens Advice Bureau

Further guidance is also provided by the Financial Conduct Authority on dealing with financial difficulties as a result of the cost of living. 

Dealing with financial difficulties | FCA