
You can contact us by one of the methods below:

Telephone: 0330 053 6067, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays.
Secure mail: Log into internet banking and click: messages.
Post: Redwood Bank, The Nexus Building, Broadway, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 3TA.

Please provide as much detail as possible to assist with our investigation.

Once you've made a complaint

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible by listening to you and understanding the issues you have experienced.

Where we can, we aim to resolve any complaints within three working days. If this is not possible, then we will acknowledge in writing your complaint and our understanding of the issues you have raised within five working days.

We will then keep you regularly informed of progress, when we expect the investigation will be completed and when you can expect to receive a final response to your complaint.

If the matter is still not resolved after eight weeks, we will explain the reason for the delay and the additional work that needs to be completed to resolve the matter.

At this point, if eligible, you will have the option to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to look at the complaint on your behalf, free of charge.

You can also contact the FOS after you have considered the final response detailing our investigation. This must be done within six months of receipt of the final response from Redwood Bank.

The FOS can be contacted directly using the below details.

Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been handled, or our final response, please contact us to see if there is anything further that we can do.
If you remain dissatisfied, and you are an eligible complainant, you have the option to refer your complaint to the FOS for independent review. We will provide FOS referral details in our final response if you are an eligible complainant.
This referral should be made within 6 months of us issuing our final response.

Telephone: 0800 023 4567
