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The green and community credentials of a specialist business bank have been boosted by the appointment of a specialist from Sydney.
Redwood Bank has demonstrated its commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives in recent years through a series of initiatives, including the launch of a special Green Reward for landlords who achieve the highest energy standards.
Alex John, who has had an impressive banking career in Australia, working in business development, product development, risk, strategy and ESG roles, has joined Redwood as its new ESG manager.
Alex, who relocated to London for his new role, said: “Having grown up in regional Australia, nature, the environment and sustainability have always been important to me. I was fascinated by how influential the finance sector could be in financing the transition to net zero , supporting the economy and helping the world change positively.
“In order to learn as much about ESG as I could, I spent time at a specialist climate risk and energy management consulting firm. While I learned a lot in my time there, it made me realise I missed the mechanics of banking and the finance sector more broadly. That, and the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape around ESG, green and sustainable finance, drew me back to banking.
“I couldn’t resist the chance to move to Redwood when the opportunity arose to join its team.
“It really appealed to me because Redwood is lean and nimble enough to be dynamic and yet at the same time it is big enough to have an impact on ESG.
“The bank recognises that climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing society and takes a proactive approach to its environmental responsibilities. It is also committed to being a responsible and responsive employer and to applying responsible banking in all that it does.
“I’m excited to use my experience and knowledge to help Redwood to support society in a meaningful way.”
Last year, Redwood successfully launched its Green Reward proposition, supporting landlords who have attained the highest energy standards by offering them cashback of up to 0.50 per cent of their loan value.
Redwood has achieved Investors in the Environment (iiE) national bronze and silver accreditations and its recent charitable efforts have included supporting creative mental health charity PoetsIN and the National Literacy Trust colleagues volunteering at a dogs’ home in Warrington and working alongside a grass roots football club to redevelop its changing rooms.
The team also regularly supports and runs events internally to raise awareness of charities and good causes.