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A Warrington/Letchworth business bank has been recognised for a product that rewards green landlords.
Redwood Bank, which specialises in offering loans and savings accounts for SMEs, has been awarded Best Innovation in the Mortgage Space at the annual MoneyAge Mortgage Awards.
The Bank’s Green Reward gives landlords a cashback benefit if their properties have an A-C EPC rating.
Tom Worbey, Senior Lending Products Manager, said: “We’re incredibly proud to have received this award, which recognises our commitment to supporting sustainability in the property sector. Our Green Reward is designed to incentivise landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their properties, which not only benefits the environment but also helps tenants by reducing energy costs.
“Our focus remains on delivering innovative, customer-centric financial solutions that support SMEs and property investors. Recognition like this motivates us to continue developing products that not only meet our customers’ needs but also contribute to a more sustainable future.”
Since launching the Green Reward scheme, Redwood Bank has seen strong uptake from landlords with more energy-efficient properties. The cashback initiative reflects Redwood’s commitment to supporting sustainable practices in the property sector, while also providing landlords with immediate financial savings. It aims to support landlords in improving their property portfolios with energy efficient properties that are in increasing demand from tenants.
The MoneyAge Mortgage Awards celebrate excellence and innovation in the mortgage sector, with Redwood Bank’s Green Reward standing out for its positive environmental impact and customer benefits. The recognition highlights the Bank’s ongoing efforts to offer tailored financial products that meet the needs of SMEs and property investors.
Next month, Redwood will be hoping to add to its growing collection of trophies at the 2025 Business Moneyfacts Awards.
The Bank has been shortlisted in three categories, including Best Business Variable Rate Deposit Provider, an award it has won an incredible six consecutive times.
Jessica Darrah, Senior Savings Product Manager said: “Being shortlisted for three awards at the Business Moneyfacts Awards is a fantastic achievement and a testament to the hard work of our team. The nomination for the Best Business Variable Rate Deposit Provider demonstrates the value we bring to our notice account customers. For more information on opening a business savings account, visit https://redwoodbank.co.uk/savings