Put your business cash to work with our simple, rewarding and easy to use business savings accounts.
Redwood Bank has added another two titles to its belt since scooping the title of Bank of the Year in the Global Business Excellence Awards last month.
Recent successes include Global Business Insight Magazine’s award for England’s Most Outstanding Commercial Mortgages Bank of the Year 2018 and the Redwood Bank’s Chief Executive Officer, Gary Wilkinson, has been identified as a CEO of the Year in the UK, representing Hertfordshire, by CEO Monthly Magazine.
Recognised for all his hard work and dedication, Gary was handpicked by the magazine following comprehensive analysis and research.
Emily Corner, CEO Monthly’s features executive, said: “With a business being only as good as its leadership and CEOs holding much of the responsibility and power within their organisation, we wanted to showcase all of Gary’s hard work and dedication to Redwood Bank.”
A nomination from a previous client led to the Bank’s success in the Inside Global Business Insight Magazine awards.
Chang Lu, Awards Coordinator, said: “Redwood Bank was brought to our attention following a nomination from a past client. Our research team then spent the last few months looking to establish those most deserving to be mentioned, included and recognised in 2018 Global Business Insight Awards.”
The awards recognise firms that are exceeding expectations and pushing the boundaries in sectors including asset management, private equity, venture capital, banking, insurance and legal services.
Since its inception, Redwood Bank has invested heavily in technology, people and service, ensuring every customer’s experience is secure, fast and easy.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Co-Founder of Redwood Bank, Gary Wilkinson, said: “To win three awards in as many months is a tremendous tribute to the hard work of all our staff.
“We are thrilled to have been recognised and are delighted to be triple award-winners within our industry, just over a year since we started trading, it is a huge achievement.”
The 2018 Global Business Insight Awards celebrate business leadership, innovation in finance and investment and sector success across all seven continents of the world.
The awards were launched on the back of months of qualitative and quantitative research undertaken by the magazine’s in-house research team.
Now in its second year, CEO Monthly Magazine’s Global CEO Excellence Awards, recognise the outstanding achievements made by the world’s leading CEOs.
Rigorous researchers reveal those responsible for driving change whilst successfully managing the day-to-day operations. The programme is designed to reward chief executives who are more than just role models for their employees but, who also, operate as motivators and innovators, with the vision and drive to take an enterprise to the next level.
Redwood Bank was launched in August 2017, becoming Britain’s newest challenger bank for small to medium sized businesses.
The Bank’s products include individually-assessed mortgages for business owners and professional landlords, as well as a range of Best Buy savings accounts, which are offered to charities, clubs and associations as well as businesses.
For further information, visit www.redwoodbank.co.uk
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For further details contact Laura Pearce at Strand PR on laura@strand-pr.co.uk or 01763 274674 / 07903 106405.
Redwood Bank was launched in August 2017, becoming Britain’s newest business bank for SMEs and completing its ‘mobilisation’ phase just over four months after securing its initial banking licence in April 2017. Redwood Bank offers secured SME mortgages for business owners, as well as for experienced commercial and residential property investors. It delivers fast and efficient mortgage decisions to help their business customers seize property opportunities and also offers competitive business savings accounts. Redwood Bank was founded by Jonathan Rowland and Gary Wilkinson. It has a unique private-public ownership structure in which Warrington Borough Council has a one-third stake.